We understand that the hectic pace of life makes it difficult for you to balance study time, family life and work. Therefore, we are honored to give you an opportunity to improve your knowledge through the most convenient and modern learning method. Modern online learning management system (LMS 3.5) along with the training program designed in accordance with the international quality standards of Quality Matters organization (USA) will help you pursue your aspirations anytime and anywhere.
Since its establishment in May 2016, our online program has always received tremendous support from society. We are cooperating with many agencies and organizations, such as the People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc Province, Hanoi Community College, Ca Mau Community College, Ho Chi Minh City Youth Workers Support Center, VIAGS Tan Son Nhat Company and Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants. Currently, there are more than 4,500 students across the country and neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Philippines, etc. studying the online Bachelor’s Degree program. We have 10 majors, including Marketing, English Language, Law, Economic Law, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, International Business, Accounting, Auditing, Banking and Finance. Along with that, we will continue to implement short-term online courses, such as TOEIC, Korean TOPIK, Auditor’s exam preparation, to meet the increasingly diverse learning needs of society.
With the motto ‘Foster student-centered Learning,’ we always make a constant effort to enhance the quality of the program, along with improving Teachers, Specialists, Consultants, and Academic Officers. We believe that these values will help you fulfill your academic and career goals.


Bring flexible learning opportunities to everyone anywhere and anytime.
Carry out Bachelor’s Degree Programs and confer certificates following the face-to-face education program.

Invest in advanced technology and appropriate facilities in order to maximize support for learners.
Enhance self-learning ability and use technological devices and the internet to study.



Organize distance learning according to the regulation of applying information technology to managing online training.
Suggest solutions to the application of communication technology to online training.

Cooperate actively with educational institutions in Vietnam and overseas in order to exchange ideas and cooperate in online training.
Implement training duties, scientific research and do other tasks assigned by the university board.

The Introduction of Online Bachelor’s Degree Program

Online learning is a flexible mode of education serving your convenience. This learning method creates learning opportunities for everyone regardless of race, age, gender, and region in Vietnam and Southeast Asia in the future.
Studying the online Bachelor’s Degree Program of Ho Chi Minh City Open University, you will have access to a knowledge base designed in practical orientation with diverse practical exercises and receive dedicated professional learning support services.
In addition, you will experience a high-tech learning environment in the Online Learning management system (LMS 3.5). This system is designed to be user-friendly, compatible with most electronic devices such as desktops, tablets, laptops, smartphones. Online learning environment ensures high interaction between students and lecturers, similar to face-to-face learning.
In addition to the Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs, Ho Chi Minh City Open University also wants to bring to learners other utilities, enabling them to gain certificates of short-term courses in the bachelor’s degree programs.